February 18, 2025: Les Misérables Movie and Discussion - Click here for more info!
If you can identify with any of these questions, then please come join us. Our adult faith formation programs in our parish continue to invite participants to deepen their understanding of their faith and their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is in knowing Jesus intimately that we will be able to accept his call to discipleship.
What is Adult Faith Formation?
At St. John of Rochester, we endeavor to offer, plan, and implement a wide variety of faith forming opportunities, activities and programs for all adults.
Adult Faith Formation is the lifelong process of finding and falling in love with God in our everyday human lives. Each one of us, by virtue of our Baptism, is on a lifelong journey of faith. Consequently, Adult Faith Formation has as its purpose to support, nourish, and challenge adults as they explore their faith, experience its power, grow in relationship with God.
How important is Adult Faith Formation?
Faith Formation is not just for children. Adult Faith Formation is vital. According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ document, Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us (OHWB):
“Adult faith formation, by which people consciously grow in the life of Christ through experience, reflection, prayer, and study, must be 'the central task in [this] catechetical enterprise,' becoming 'the axis around which revolves the catechesis of childhood and adolescence as well as that of old age.' This can be done specifically through developing in adults a better understanding of and participation in the full sacramental life of the Church.” (OHWB #5)
Why do we need Adult Faith Formation?
In order to continue to grow as Catholic Christians, adults need to have available to them ongoing ways to be formed in our Catholic faith.
In their document Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us, the US Bishops renewed a commitment to fostering faith formation for adults. Since we all are continually being formed in our faith as we walk our journeys of life, a renewed commitment to adult faith formation necessitates a need for quality programming and a variety of opportunities for all adults.
What are the goals of Adult Faith Formation?
The Bishops outline three key goals of Adult Faith Formation (OHWB #67-73):