The Sacrament of Matrimony is a Supernatural Covenant between God and a man and a woman. God's Covenant is a permanent, faithful, unbreakable Bond of Love with the couple until death. A civil marriage is only a contract between 2 people who ultimately decide to keep their promises or not. The Sacrament of Matrimony witnesses to the world that the couple desires, invites, welcomes and celebrates God’s Presence as the Source of their love and that God has sealed their union as husband and wife.
5. Register for Matrimony Preparation Sessions (1 hour each week with Fr. Peter).
Initial Meeting:
-Welcome new couple
-Hand-out Matrimony information packets
-Discuss "Fully Engaged" Inventory Ch. 1-4 results.
Second Meeting:
-Discuss "Fully Engaged" Inventory, Ch. 5-8 results.
Third Meeting:
-Discuss "Fully Engaged" Inventory, Ch. 9-11 results.
Fourth Meeting:
-Discuss "Fully Engaged" Inventory, Ch. 12 & 13 results. (Ch.14, if needed).
-Complete Diocese of Rochester "Prenuptial Investigation Form"
-Sign Marriage Dispensation Form (only for mixed-faith couples).
After the 4 Matrimony Preparation sessions:
*Use your Matrimonial Checklist to keep up-to-date with all necessary requirements.
*Your Wedding Coordinator will be contacting you to discuss and plan all the details of your Rehearsal and Ceremony.