The Men's Club of St. John of Rochester is a faith-oriented social organization whose goal is to bring our members closer to Christ through fellowship and service. We had our first organized meeting on September 17, 1964, and our first task was to solve a problem with the physical workings of our temporary church. Solve it we did, and our tradition of service began.
Over the course of our history, we worked to upgrade a building on Ayrault Road which was the parish's initial religious educational facility and Parish Center. We held our monthly meetings there, as well as a Parish Breakfast. We also helped in many off-campus activities to better the lives of people in need.
The spiritual side of our lives has been strengthened through the annual Men's Retreat held at the Notre Dame Retreat facility in Canandaigua each January. The turnout for this event, which is open to ALL of the men of the Parish, has been exceptional over the years and we are always eager to have new members join us.
Our members volunteer to prepare the "Soup Supper" on Ash Wednesday each year. We partner with the SJR Knights of Columbus to put on the "Parish Breakfast" and assist with the annual Parish Picnic in grilling the hots and hamburgers.
We meet the 3rd Thursday of the month from September through the following June. A social time which encourages networking and meeting new people is held before our dinner. Our members voluteer with the cooking for these meetings, and our Pastor graciously offers to cook one of his great recipes in the month of May. A steak roast in June ends our year. At these meetings, we have a guest speaker. The topics have ranged from sports to politics to education to travel to environmental issues and anything in between.
Your financial support of the "500 CLUB" over the many years has allowed us to provide over $250,000 to programs in the parish as well as selected charitable groups. We have long supported both the Youth Group and several Boy Scout Troops. We ask for your support only once a year. Hope you will join us.
Contact Peter Hermann by email at [email protected] or Bill Volkmann at [email protected]