Guided by the Parish Covenant, the purpose of the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is to serve the needs of the parish and larger community, to develop a common vision and mission, and to advocate for the poor, disadvantaged, and powerless.
The PPC is the central leadership body of the Parish and all committees and groups are accountable to the PPC. The major focus areas of the PPC are the Parish’s four goals:
2nd Tuesday of each month (except July & August)
7:00PM – 9:00PM in the Gathering Room
Visitors are welcome to attend.
The Finance Council is responsible to guide the parish finances in conjunction with the parish’s business manager to allow for financial stability and growth.
Through parish staff they receive information about upcoming projects, expenses, etc. This helps the council budget accordingly. They provide guidance and advice with budgeting questions. They assist in providing financial stability that parish programs are properly funded based on need.
They prepare the annual budget and review data each month to ensure it is in line with projections. Also they analyze the financial investments and measure performance of St. John of Rochester.
Each Catholic Parish in the Diocese of Rochester is a separate corporation.
These corporations have responsibility for matters relating to the Parish's “temporalities” (ie. the Parish's “earthly” or material goods-things like its income and its assets) and are governed by a Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees has legal and fiduciary responsibility for overseeing the management of the financial affairs of the Parish.
The Board of Trustees consists of:
The Trustees by office are members of the Pastoral Council and the Finance Council. They meet with the Church Pastor and the Finance Director once a year usually in August for the ‘annual meeting’ of the corporation. At this time, the Parish’s financial results of the year ending June 30th are reviewed, as well as the budget for the coming year. Additionally, projects and issues affecting the Parish are reviewed with the Trustees. While the Trustees specific role is regarding the physical and fiscal assets of the Parish, and their participation is required by law for certain transactions such as purchase or sale of property, they also serve as valued advisers for the pastor and respective Councils.
The kinds of things that Parish Trustees deal with are all in some way related to the overall financial affairs of the Parish and include things like the annual budget, income and expenses, financial reporting, banking and investment relationships, insurance and risk management matters, capital projects, and any other significant financial matters.
If you have questions or would like additional information about the Parish Corporation, its financial affairs, or the activities of the trustees, please feel free to contact Fr. Clifford or one of the Lay Trustees of our parish.