Christ is the CUREGIVER...we are His caregivers.
"If we love one another, God lives in us,
and God's love is perfected in us"
1 John 4:12
When You or Someone You Know is Hurting,
contact Stephen Ministry @ 585-248-5993 ext. 16
What is Stephen Ministry?
A one-to-one (always of the same gender) confidential, prayerful and caring relationship in which one Christian reaches out to another during a time of personal struggle and difficulty.
A skilled and trustworthy group of trained and commissioned persons who, through prayer, study and service, live out the Gospel message of Jesus to "bear one another's burdens."
A 50 hour spiritual and educational system of Ministry Training named after St. Stephen, the first Deacon in the early Church, who was commissioned by the Apostles to care for the community's needs. Stephen was also the first Christian martyr.
Who needs a Stephen Minister?
people currently or recently hospitalized
individuals and families of those facing serious or terminal illness
those grieving a death or serious loss
those suffering from depression or loneliness
the homebound or institutionalized
prisoners, ex-offenders and their families
those experiencing a job loss or some business or financial crisis
those with disabilities and their families
people new to the community or those in process of leaving town
the separated or divorced and their families
couples experiencing infertility, problem pregnancy, birth or adoption
persons experiencing family tension
those facing a life transition
those experiencing a spiritual crisis
people simply wanting the support of a Christian friend
many others needs!