Provide access to the Mass via live video streaming to those who are unable to attend Mass in the church building
Enhance the live, in-church experience for those who are on-site for each Mass
Record selected Masses with special events
What do Video Ministers do?
Working from a control desk in the SJR music room, Video Ministers operate the remote control cameras and switching equipment to stream live video coverage of SJR Masses to anyone who logs into the SJR website and connects to the Live Streaming Weekend Masses from Church link. In a sense, Video Ministers are live TV directors. Video Ministers also operate the computer and projection screens that display the prayer listings, hymn listings and lyrics in the church during Mass.
Do I need prior video experience or special computer expertise?
No. If you can use e-mail, a keyboard, and a mouse, you can begin training to become a Video Minister.
What is the time commitment at each Mass?
Video Ministers are expected to arrive a half-hour before Mass time in order to properly set-up for their Mass and to stay for a few minutes following Mass.
How often do I need to “work” at a Mass?
We ask Video Ministers to sign up for two weekend Masses each month. Many do more. Some do fewer. The more often you do a Mass, the sharper your skills will be.
Is there an age restriction?
Any parishioner age 18 or older may volunteer to begin training to become a Video Minister. High school students age 13 and older may volunteer if they have parental permission and a parental commitment to make sure they meet their obligations as Video Ministers. The number of under-18 volunteers is limited and depends on the availability of an adult mentor for each under-18 volunteer. Parents who join the Video Ministry may mentor their own sons and daughters. We have many parent/child Video Minister teams at SJR.
If I cover a Mass as a Video Minister, does it “count” as my Sunday Mass obligation?
Yes. Video Ministers working at the video console are encouraged to remain actively engaged with the prayers and hymns, extend to each other the sign of peace, receive communion and, of course, mix and mingle with fellow parishioners after Mass. Even long-time Catholics report that their service as a Video Minister leads them to a deeper understanding of the real meaning and purpose of the Mass.
What about training?
The Diocese of Rochester requires that all volunteers who work with youth complete the “Creating a Safe Environment” (CASE) on-line training course. This includes all Video Ministers. It takes a little over one hour to complete this on-line course.
Your basic individual video training can begin immediately by appointment after you complete the CASE training.
You also receive on-the-job training during Masses under the wing of an experienced Video Minister.
When do we need Video Ministers?
At all weekend Masses, Holy Days of Obligation, Weddings and Funerals. We especially need Video Ministers at Christmas, during Holy Week, and at Easter. We also need Video Ministers who can come in on short notice for funeral Masses on weekdays.
How do I volunteer to become a Video Minister?
Contact any one of these people:
Video Ministry Leader Chris Pruszynski at [email protected]
Parish secretary Kate Wahl at [email protected]
Our Prayer
Dear God,
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to use our time and talents to serve You and our fellow parishioners in the St. John of Rochester Video Ministry.
Guide us in strengthening the reliability, skills and the good judgment that we need to use our technology in helping do Your work here on earth.